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Pageidaujami vertimai - sleepwalker_b4

Originalo kalba
Kalba, į kurią verčiama

Rezultatai 1 - 7 iš apie 7
Originalo kalba
Anglų My Constant.
My Constant

My only constant.
Thank you for being there.
Thank you for existing.
You can move on now.
You can change.
I´m sorry.
It´s meant to be written on a ring.
At least I need translated only the title. If it´s possible also the rest.
Thank you.

Pabaigti vertimai
Graikų Η Σταθερά μου.
Lotynų Mi constans
Ivrito הקבוע שלי
Lietuvių Mano konstanta
Originalo kalba
Ispanų Mi constante. Te Amo.
Mi constante.
Te Amo.
Es para un anillo. Gracias.

Pabaigti vertimai
Lotynų Mea fidelis
Originalo kalba
Anglų My constant love
My constant
My Constant love beyond death
My Constant companion beyond life

From: XXX To: XXX

I love you

Thank you

I´m sorry

Move on

It´s for my ex-fiance(a woman). She´s returning home, far away for personal reasons, so I need to put this on two rings. But later i´ll see which part goes in what ring. I hope you can help me.
Besides this was written on spanish but i figure out there would be more english - latin translators than espanish - latin.
Thank for the suggestion chronotribe. As you´ll see i changed the text.

Pabaigti vertimai
Lotynų Mea lux fidelis